“Finding evidence-based information does not have to be difficult. Dive in here to find research based articles and blogs on food, nutrition, plant-based eating, mindful lifestyle and sustainability in simple language!”

Non Dairy Veg Sources of Calcium
Among all the grains, three stand out here- Amaranth, Finger Millet and Teff! The Nepali names of the first two are “Latteko dana’ and ‘Kodo’

Best Way to Eat Nuts to Get the Maximum Benefits
Nepalese, primarily Hindu Nepalese, mostly eat nuts during ‘Bhaitika’ as our ‘Bhaikhaja’ must have a variety of nuts such as walnuts, almonds and cashews.

Do you Need Meat, Dairy and Eggs to Build Muscle?
In this article, we will discuss what current scientific evidence says about this idea. To make it simple and straightforward, I will present to you

What are Saturated, Unsaturated and Trans Fats?
Fat is a part of healthy and balanced diet. Dietary fats are commonly categorized into three types including saturated, unsaturated and trans fat.

Is Soy Feminizing to Men? Science of Soy
Despite of evidence, there has been huge fear mongering regarding soy. It is sad to note that even some health professionals perpetuate these myths.

Is MSG Safe for Consumption? Does it Weaken Your Bones?
The available literature on monosodium glutamate demonstrating such detrimental side effects is frequently unrelated to how you would eat MSG.

Are Pea Shoots Worth a try?
Pea Shoots are immature green leaves of pea plants which are harvested after a week to two weeks of germination. We are sure that you

Saffron (Kesar) May Reduce Period Pain
Saffron is reported to have several beneficial compounds such as crocin, safranal, flavonoids, and carotenoids. These compounds are reported to have pain relieving

6 Highly Impactful Ways to Help Reduce Climate Change From an Individual Level
Our every action, every little action has a carbon footprint. In today’s scenario, where climate change impacts are increasing day by day and there is