Saffron (Kesar) May Reduce Period Pain

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Most of the women (including some transmen) feel period pain ranging from mild to intense. Some take the help of pain relieving medicines while some use home based solutions such as using heat pads, doing specific kinds of yoga etc.

In this article, we will discuss saffron and its benefits in menstruation pain. 

Picture: Saffron Threads (taken from pixel photo)

Crocus sativus L. is a flowering plant commonly known as saffron, is widely used as a spice and as a coloring and flavoring agent in the preparation of foods and cosmetics. If you are Nepalese or Indian, you might have eaten rice pudding or Kheer with ‘Keshar’. It has a subtle taste and aroma, which gives foods a deeper and richer flavor. Saffron is either purchased in powder or thread form, the latter is less likely to be adulterated and is recommended. Though it is very expensive, it’s not required in high quantities to produce a good flavor or even a health impact. Even a small amount goes a long way.

Ok. Enough of introduction! Let’s find out whether saffron is beneficial during period pain and if so, the science behind it. 

Saffron is reported to have several beneficial compounds such as crocin, safranal, flavonoids, and carotenoids. These compounds are reported to have pain relieving, antispasmodic and muscle relaxant properties. Benefits of saffron in many reproductive problems have also been mentioned in traditional medicine.

There have been few pharmacological and medical studies of saffron, which demonstrate that saffron could be an easy and safe home based solution to tackle period pain.

In a randomized control trial conducted in 2015, 88 female students were given either placebo or a capsule containing 30 mg of saffron. The findings of the research demonstrated that the consumption of saffron reduced the severity of PMS symptoms like anxiety and lowered the level of stress hormone cortisol in students suffering from the syndrome. 

There has been another interesting study. Fukui et al. (2011) showed in a study of 35 women that smelling saffron for 20 minutes could change some hormone levels. This effect may be useful for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) and irregular menstruation.

How to Consume Saffron to Reduce Period Pain

Soak 2-3 strands of saffron in water for 8 hours and drink that in an empty stomach for a month. It is very likely that your period pain is diminished. Not just that, you will probably feel lighter and happy as well.


Pregnant women should avoid high doses of saffron as it may induce miscarriage. Occasional consumption of kheer having few saffron strands should be okay.


Takeaway: Saffron is effective in relieving symptoms of PMS including period pain. 

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