We are sure that you have eaten peas since your childhood. But, have you heard about pea shoots before? Have you eaten them? Well, you should! 🙂 It is so healthy and tasty that it deserves your try. Anyways, let’s get into the business!
These days, sprouts are gaining huge popularity among health conscious people. Pea shoots are one of the many sprouts, seedlings and microgreens. Confused what sprouts, seedlings and microgreen mean? Well, shoots have leaves and stems however sprouts do not. Pea shoots are a little bit grown up :). Pea Shoots are immature green leaves of pea plants which are harvested after a week to two weeks of germination.
Peas are loved by people, be it green peas or dried peas. They are part of the regular diet of people in many countries across the globe. However, pea shoots are a fairly new subject. Its consumption is not as much as the consumption of peas. They are soft and have a earthy, juicy flavor.
How Are Pea Shoots Grown?
Usually, unprocessed/minimally processed dry peas are soaked overnight. Then, they are either left and for the next one and half days, rinsing two times a day or directly put into a tray containing soil. They are continuously watered for a week or so until they are ready to harvest. Usually, they do not require direct sunlight but plenty of daylight. They can be grown in small spaces, so if you think you do not have enough spaces or land to grow veggies, try pea shoots! Would you like a step to step guide to grow pea shoots? Let us know in the comment section!
How Nutritious Are Pea Shoots?
Pea shoots are a good source of phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, C and E. Pea shoots are also rich in compounds such as flavonoids, beta carotene and lutein which are potent antioxidants. As a minimally processed vegetable, the pea shoots also have a very good stability of their nutrient values and disease fighting compounds, when stored under refrigerated conditions for 10 days (1).
Pea Shoots are reported to have higher percentage of protein and dietary fiber than the ones found in lettuces, which is a common salad eaten by people.
How to Eat Pea Shoots?
Eat as salad just like you eat cucumbers. For a mild texture and flavor, toss them into pasta. When you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to prepare other vegetables, toss in your Daal or lentil soup! Eat as you please!
All in all, pea shoots can be a great addition to your probably boring diet ;). They are nutritious and full of disease fighting compounds. Besides, they are easy to grow at home too!